Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our Weekend Trip to Lake Tahoe

We took an impromptu trip to Lake Tahoe this past weekend and had a great time - probably our best trip there yet.
We did some hiking with the boys up to Eagle Rock - they did a fantastic job hiking and loved it! Then we took a long bike ride along the river and stopped for a little rock-skipping along the way. Rock skipping was definitely the highlight of the trip for the boys. Well, for Landon it was more like rock throwing. He looked for the biggest rocks he could find, while I worried about him dropping rocks on his feet and breaking his toes. That's my job, I guess! We also did a little star-gazing, hung out by a campfire (okay, a fake one...), and spent a little time at the beach before heading back home. Here are some pics of our trip.

Grayson and Landon (and Bryan) building rock towers on the hiking trail

The closest we could get to a family picture...

Almost to the top....

The view at the top of Eagle Rock

Captain Hook decided to join us...

Guess who took this shot?

On a cliff - making mom a little nervous (we weren't RIGHT near the edge...don't worry)

Hiking back down

...with sticks

Still happy after the long hike!

And finally tuckered out after a two-hour bike ride

My sweet Grayson at the playground by the beach
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