Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Disneyland 2011

All in all, we had a fantastic time in Disneyland. Here are a few things we learned along the way...
1.) Landon gets carsick
2.) Grayson is big enough (and brave enough) for some of the adult rides this year!
3.) I should have saved our money on Landon's ticket and purchased him bus fare for the week we were there. He would have been just as happy riding the bus around town. He thought it was great!
4.) It is really uncomfortable to have soaking wet pants for half a day.
5.) I really like Dreyer's Ice Cream. A lot.
6.) Landon FINALLY knows how to smile for the camera (he learns this right after his awful haircut...go figure!).

At the character breakfast

Silly picture with Goofy!

Landon's other favorite ride...the escalator!
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